Tümer Altaş Online Exam Preparation Database Trial Access

Tümer ALTAŞ A.Ş. Online Exam Preparation and Language Education database trial access is available for the use of our University until December 30, 2023.

Tümer ALTAŞ A.Ş. Online Exam Preparation and Language Education database is a database created for the purpose of preparation for (e) YDS, YÖKDİL, TIPDİL, PTE, IELTS, TOEFL iBT exams and especially for the purpose of improving speaking skills.

  1. Create a “Registration” with your corporate e-mail address (edu.tr or gov.tr).
  2. Activate your membership by clicking the link in the confirmation e-mail.
  3. All trainings will be activated when you log in.
  4. You can access all content from the “My Lessons” menu heading.

For Access: https://kutuphane.altinbas.edu.tr/vetisbt/

For Information: kutuphane@altinbas.edu.tr