Transleyt Database Trial Access

Trial access to the Transleyt database is available for our University until November 15, 2024. Transleyt, gelişmiş yapay zeka algoritmaları sayesinde kullanıcılarına hızlı, doğru ve bağlama uygun çeviriler sağlamaktadır. Osmanlıca dahil 30 farklı dilde akademik çeviri ve medya işleme hizmeti sunmaktadır. For Access: For information:

Legaling Legal Terms Database Trial Access

Legaling Legal Terms database trial access is available to our University until December 31, 2024. Legaling Legal Terms is Turkey’s first English-Turkish, Turkish-English all-comprehensive database of legal terms, set out with the ideal of providing services “for professionals, by professionals” for the translation of English-Turkish and Turkish-English legal terms. Click here to access the access guide[…]

Libraryturk Trial Access

Libraryturk database trial access is available to our University until 03.12.2024. Libraryturk is an artificial intelligence-supported e-book portal where printed books are converted into e-book format and presented to readers. It includes 50+ publishers, 12 categories and 9100+ current e-books. It is a pioneering platform in the sector by providing users with the opportunity to search[…]

AYEUM Database Trial Access

AYEUM database is available for our University until 10.11.2024. AYEUM is an academic education platform established to provide online and face-to-face education services for researchers about qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods used in social, science, health and educational sciences. For access: For information:

Library Working Hours Valid as of June 7

Dear Library Users, Mahmutbey Technology Campus Library will be open between 08.30 AM – 05.30 PM on weekdays and will be closed on weekends. Bakırköy Health Sciences Campus Library will be open between 08.30 AM – 05.30 PM on weekdays and will be closed on weekends. Gayrettepe Social Sciences Campus Library will be open between[…]

Akademisyen Online Database Trial Access

Akademisyen Online database trial access has been made available to our University until 31.07.2024. It is an e-book platform with more than 3000 books and more than 30,000 book chapters in all academic science fields, especially health sciences and medicine. For Access: For Information: