JoVE Database Trial Access

JoVE database, the world’s first peer-reviewed video article and course content platform, which started broadcasting in 2006 and where articles are transferred to video media and explained visually, has been made available to our University until 16.03.2024.

Currently, there are more than 18,000 video articles and course content in JoVE. Video articles in JoVE content, which are updated daily, are indexed by authority sources such as PubMed/Medline, ChemAbstracts, SciFinder and Scopus; Citations are shown in publications that guide scientific studies such as Nature, Cell, PNAS and PLoS.

Presenting the content visually to the user allows the points that may be missed in the written text to be understood better and more easily and saves time for the users.

To use the relevant database, you must register with your corporate e-mail address.

For Access:

For Information: