Hukuk Türk Database Trial Access

Law Turkish database, which is an important data bank in the field of law, has been opened to trial access over IP ranges of our university.

It includes the Turkish Republic Legislation, articles and subjects of the Republic of Turkey, which are updated daily, linked to each other with hyperlinks, with extracts written and classified jurisprudence.

The Official Gazette is entered into the system on a daily basis and changes are processed on the same day. In addition, there are useful services such as Legislation Groups, Turkish Legal Bibliography, Petitions and Contract samples, Draft Laws, New and Changed Legislation, Legal Dictionary (associated with texts) and Legal Announcements.

Along with “Hukuk Türk”, the “Turkish Legal Bibliography“, which will be constantly updated and contains more than 250,000 records, includes sources since 1930. It has been classified according to genres such as books, articles and thesis (Master’s/PhD).

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