Academic Search Ultimate (All Disciplines)
Academic Search Ultimate, the world’s most comprehensive, multi-disciplinary database, contains the most valuable peer-reviewed full-text journals in the social and human sciences as well as science, technology, engineering and more.
Access Pharmacy
In addition to 31 e-books, there are presentations from professors who have made a name in their field, and lectures supported by animations. Thanks to the question bank in its content, it is possible for pharmacy students to study and for faculty members to test their students.
Annual Reviews
The database, which has a collection of the world’s most important compilation journals, includes 51 topics from biomedical sciences, natural sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences and economics.
Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective: 1913-1983 (H.W. Wilson)
It is one of the main indexes in the field of life sciences and economics and administrative sciences, indexing more than 2,000 publications published in the period 1913-1983.
Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective:1913-1983 (H.W. Wilson)
This database is an excellent reference source that sheds light on important scientific studies, resolutions of controversial issues, findings of innovators, and research on technology development between 1913 and 1983. Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective: 1913-1983, which contains over 3 million articles from more than 1,400 periodicals, also indexes book reviews with summaries, while the Industrial Arts Index (1913-1957) includes full files.
Art Index Retrospective (H.W. Wilson)
This archive collection covers many art-related topics, covering the period from 1929 to 1984. Offering art literature for more than half a century, this database indexes over 25,000 book reviews in addition to more than 600 journals.
Business Periodicals Index Retrospective: 1913-1982 (H.W. Wilson)
A valuable resource for business and business research, Business Periodicals Index Retrospective: 1913-1982 indexes academic and trade journals in its 70-year academic archive and includes the Industrial Arts Index (1913-1957) database. Content: · More than 1,000 periodicals Contains over 2,500,000 articles, including book reviews.
Business Source Ultimate
Compiled for the Faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business and Management Sciences, Business Source Ultimate is a complete research tool with many different document types as well as the world’s most comprehensive full-text journal content in its field.
Central & Eastern European Academic Source
Orta ve Doğu Avrupa ülkelerinde yayınlanan akademik dergilerin tam metinlerini içeren bu veri tabanı, hem çok disiplinlidir hem de birçok farklı dilde yayını kapsar.
Cochrane Library
It is one of the strongest resources for diagnosis and treatment decision-making based on different types of high-quality, independent evidence to improve and support the decision-making process in the healthcare field.
DynaMed: Kanıta Dayalı, Hasta Başı Bakım Aracı
DynaMed is used for bedside care by physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, students, academics and countless health professionals in hospitals, medical schools and other health institutions.
ProQuest Ebook Central
The books in Ebook Central are provided by the world’s most important publishers. With new agreements made every year, a significant number of books by important publishers such as Wiley and Taylor & Francis can only be accessed through Ebook Central.
26,000 electronic books can be accessed via Ebook Central as DRM-Free, and all of these books can be downloaded as PDF at once without the need for any intermediary program.
It contains 20 databases on different subjects. These; 1. Academic Search Ultimate, 2. Book Index with Reviews, 3. Business Source Complete, 4. ERIC, 5. Computers & Applied Science Complete, 6. Dynamed, 7. Environment Complete, 8. Health Source: Nursing / Academic Edition, 9. History Reference Center, 10. Humanities International Complete, 11. Legal Collection, 12. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, 13. MasterFILE Premier, 14. MEDLINE, 15. Newspaper Source, 16. Professional Development Collection, 17. Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection, 18. Regional Business News, 19. Religion and Philosophy, 20. Serials Directory. These databases contain approximately 9182 academic journals.
EBSCO European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
In collaboration with the John Carter Brown Library, EBSCO Information Services has produced a comprehensive directory of printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. It contains more than 32,000 records in total.
Education Index Retrospective: 1929 – 1983 (Eğitim Bilimleri)
Education Index Retrospective, birçoğu hakemli olan 800’den fazla yayını detaylı bir şekilde indeksleyerek, aralarında kitap incelemeleri de bulunan 850,000’den fazla kayıt sunar.
Emerald insight
Emerald eJournals Premier Collection; It offers full-text access to business, management, economics, marketing, accounting and finance, international trade, information management, quality, public administration, engineering, tourism and hospitality.
ERIC (the Education Resource Information Center) is the primary database for educational science literature and is the first reference resource for all researchers working in this field.
GreenFILE (Environment)
GreenFILE, a multidisciplinary database on nature, draws attention to the links between the environment and various disciplines such as agriculture, education, law and technology.
HeinOnline is a leading online research platform offering more than 211 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, key government documents, international resources, case law and much more.
With HeinOnline, users can access more than 3,300 scientific journals examining more than a thousand topics, all dating back to the first published issue. It offers the documents in this database collection, including reports and sample cases, to users in a scannable image-based format with the original page image.
HeinOnline includes entire databases devoted to treaties, constitutions, case law, world cases, in addition to its extensive collection of academic journals.
Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective
This valuable research resource indexes important journals in different fields of humanities and social sciences with high quality and the content dates back to 1907. Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 It indexes nearly 1,200 periodicals, more than 1,300,000 records and more than 240,000 book reviews.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Electrical and electronic engineering, information technology, computer, biomedical engineering, physics etc. Provides full-text access to topics.
It is used to automatically detect the copying (plagiarism) rate in the articles to be produced at the academic level. Registration is required to access the database. The right of use is given to faculty members with a doctoral degree and above. Please apply to the Library and Documentation Department for the user password.
It is the Academic Plagiarism ( database, which is used for the similarity detection report of academic publications such as thesis, homework, article, project and produced in Turkey.
JSTOR Archive Journal Content
Although it is multidisciplinary, access to 3904 journals with a focus on social science can be provided.
LEXPERA is a comprehensive legal information system that includes literature sources such as legislation, case law, contract examples, full-text law books, articles and article comments. By systematizing the complex connections between LEXPERA technology and legal regulations, the number of which is rapidly increasing and changing every day; current legal sources have been made accessible in relation to other sources with which it interacts.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
It indexes more than 500 essential journals, over 50 priority journals and 125 outstanding journals, as well as books, research reports and proceedings.
MasterFILE Complete
This database is the world’s most comprehensive source of full-text popular journals with resources on general interest compiled from the world’s leading publishers. Additionally, it offers reference books and an extensive collection of images.
MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection
Complementary to MasterFILE Complete, this resource was created from electronic versions of reference books. Contains nearly 800 full-text eBooks.
It helps researchers organize their research, collaborate with colleagues, discover new content, and connect with over four million users. You can use desktop, iOS or Android apps or access your web library from your internet browser.
It helps researchers organize their research, collaborate with colleagues, discover new content, and connect with more than four million users. You can use desktop, iOS or Android apps or access your web library from your internet browser.
Military Big Data
Military Big Data provides high volume and diverse information about land, sea, air, robotic platforms, weapon systems and ammunition, along with country details, with the highest accuracy and speed. It aims to create added value in operation, diagnosis, identification, business development, training and decision-making processes in all academic research. Military Big Data is a living and constantly expanding system with regular updates and a secure algorithm that keeps user-server communication at the highest level. After clicking the “Login” button in the system, accept the privacy agreement to activate the IP Login panel on the left of the page.
Nature Academic Journals & Nature Journals All
It is possible to access the Academic Journals collections containing 37 journals and Nature Journals All collections containing 46 journals.
Newspaper Source Plus
Providing full-text content for important news around the world, this database contains millions of entries from newspapers, newsletters and news magazines.
EBSCO’s Newswires database provides continuous, near real-time access to top world news from Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire and Business Wire. The database is archived for 30 days, so users can easily read the news in the last 30 days on the subject they are researching.
Official Methods of Analysis (OMA)
Official Methods of Analysis is an international source of methods to which many countries and organizations contribute to standard development and method validation. Official Methods of Analysis is the most comprehensive and reliable collection of chemical and microbiological methods available in the world and is found in most Codex food standards.
You can contact the Library for the Username and Password.
It contains more than 1,200,000 doctoral theses in full text.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) is one of the world’s leading publishers of medicine. It provides the basic information necessary for health professionals and students in electronic environment through the OVID platform.
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses
More than 120,000 new theses are added to the platform annually through an ever-increasing global network of university partners. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, the official thesis repository of the American Library of Congress, offers access to important primary research that has not been published in any other form. Researchers can access master’s and doctoral theses published in any discipline they may need. It is possible for users to use the interface in Turkish.
Dating back to the 18th century, this database includes extensive bibliographic citations from European theses dating back to the 17th century to recent contemporary theses, as well as the first US thesis accepted in 1861. In addition, users and universities can upload the published theses to the ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) platform, if they wish, and make the studies visible all over the world after they go through the approval process.
Regional Business News
Complementary to Business Source Ultimate, this database offers full texts from more than 100 local business publications, primarily from the United States and Canada. Offering more than 20 years of coverage, Regional Business News includes news from The Washington Post, PR Newswire US and other key sources.
Science Direct
It is a multidisciplinary database and has full-text access to 2069 electronic journals. Access has been given to the “Complete Collection” since 2003 and to the “Freedom Collection” since 2006.”
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web resources. It is designed to find the information scientists need. Quick, easy and straightforward, Scopus provides superior support to the literature search process.
Springer Link
Springer covers 1989 journals in the fields of life sciences, chemistry, environmental sciences, behavioral sciences, social sciences, computer science, materials science, mathematics, medicine, energy, physics & astronomy, and engineering, via the content platform SpringerLink. Springer’s Springer Magazine collection, which provides full-text access to articles, includes unlimited use, unlimited download, unlimited printing, off-campus access and mobile devices.
In addition, Springer’s 4 Journal Archives, which are also under ULAKBIM National Licensing, are accessible. These 4 collections consist of over 500 journals in the fields of Computer Science, Business & Economics, Humanities and Environmental Sciences.
SpringerNature eBook Collections
Containing 4389 books in total, published between 2016-2018, which our university added to the library collection with the purchase model.
It is the e-Book Collection consisting of 2016-2018 Springer Medical eBooks and 2016-2018 Springer Biomedical and Life Sciences eBooks.
Taylor and Francis
Provides full-text access to 2211 journals in many different disciplines published by Taylor & Francis publishing house.
Teacher Reference Center
It indexes more than 220 peer-reviewed teacher and administrator journals with summaries to assist professional educators.
The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source
Supporting “One Belt, One Road” studies, this unique, full-text database includes thousands of academic journals published in dozens of countries. Content: Nearly 5,000 full-text journals More than 50 newspapers and news bulletins Over 260 reports and conference proceedings Archival issues dating back to 1965
TR Index
TR Index was created by ULAKBİM in order to enable researchers to access Turkish scientific content electronically. National scientific journals that make up the scope of TR Index are selected by committees consisting of ULAKBİM TR Index experts, experts and academics in their respective fields, based on Journal Evaluation Criteria.
Turnitin Originality Check
Turnitin preserves the original assignment so that authorized teachers can see the text itself, its format, design, and layout Turnitin shows how much of the student’s assignment matches the content in our database, so the educator can easily understand the non-original part of the assignment.
Turkish Standarts Database
With the TSE Standards Database, which was issued by the Turkish Standards Institute, which was established to make all kinds of materials and products, procedures and service standards, access to all currently in force standards can be provided.
We kindly request you to forward the request that you would like to supply to the address Since it is a single-account access model, your access to the standards will be provided through the Library and Documentation Department. Your requests will be sent electronically in pdf format to your institution’s e-mail address.
The standards transmitted to you by our library should not be shared, reproduced or included in any work as full text as it will constitute copyright infringement.
CLICK for Standard Request
Vervi Dünyası E-Journals (TAX)
To access Online Tax World Journals, a member must be logged in via the access link.
Please contact the librarian for the username and password. (
Vergi Sorunları E-Journals (TAX)
Established with the aim of finding solutions to tax problems, the magazine covers the fields of economy, law, accounting and social security, etc., in line with the emerging needs. It includes articles in the fields.
Web of Science
WOS (Web of Science) is a bibliographic database that provides access to the Science Citation Index-Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index since 1970. It lists the bibliographic information of the articles, the sources used and the citations.
Wiley Online Library
Ticaret, maliye, yönetim, kimya, bilgisayar bilimi, yerbilim, eğitim, mühendislik, hukuk, yaşam bilimleri, tıp, matematik, istatistik, fizik, psikoloji, veterinerlik, ziraat vb. alanlarda 1997’den günümüze Wiley-Blackwell tarafından yayımlanan 1485 dergiye tam metin erişim imkanı sağlar.