Hiperkitap Subscription Access

Our Hiperkitap subscription access has started.

Hiperkitap contains more than 26,000 e-books from 400 publishing houses under 28 main topics such as language and literature, history, philosophy, psychology, law, computer, environment, personal development, engineering and technology, economy and finance, medicine and business. Hyperbook; It also includes reference resources such as atlases, dictionaries and encyclopedias.


  • They can view 26,000+ e-books online in Hiperkitap.
  • They can borrow to computers, Android and IOS supported devices. Thus, they can benefit from e-books wherever and whenever they want, without the need for internet access.

There are many features such as basic and detailed search options, searching within the e-book, annotating on the e-book, automatic bibliography, saving pages as PDF, borrowing e-books and creating their own e-libraries.

For Access: kutuphane.altinbas.edu.tr/vetisbt/