AKBES Database Trial Access

AKBES (Academic Information and Education System) database is available for the use of our University until 31.05.2024. AKBES is a database that includes Academic Trainings, Professional Development Trainings, Instructor Trainings specific to each field for participants at Associate, Undergraduate, Master’s and Doctorate levels and offers Turkish-English language options in many trainings. It also includes training[…]

AKBES Database Trial Access

AKBES (Academic Information and Education System) database is available for the use of our University until 31.05.2024. AKBES is a database that includes Academic Trainings, Professional Development Trainings, Instructor Trainings specific to each field for participants at Associate, Undergraduate, Master’s and Doctorate levels and offers Turkish-English language options in many trainings. It also includes training[…]

OVID Database Access

The OVID database, which includes 447 journals and up-to-date sources from more than 150 publishers covering more than 100 areas of expertise, has been made available to our university through TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) is one of the world’s leading publishing houses in the medical field. It makes the basic information required[…]

Muteferriqa Database Trial Access

Muteferriqa database trial access is available to our University until December 31, 2023. Muteferriqa, the Ottoman Turkish discovery portal that offers research opportunities with its corpus content consisting of 7 million pages and 660,000 images, contains an extremely rich collection of printed materials published in the Ottoman Empire from the 18th century to the mid-20th[…]

Akademisyen Online Database Trial Access

Akademisyen Online database trial access has been extended until December 31, 2023. It is an e-book platform with more than 2500 books and more than 27,000 book chapters in all academic science fields, especially health sciences and medicine. For Access: https://kutuphane.altinbas.edu.tr/vetisbt/ For Information: kutuphane@altinbas.edu.tr