AYEUM Database Trial Access

Trial access to the AYEUM database is available to our University until 02.11.2022. AYEUM is an academic education platform established to provide online and face-to-face education services for researchers about qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods used in social, science, health and educational sciences. Within the site, you must be a member with your e-mail address[…]

Turkish Citation Index Database Access

Turkish Citation Index (Türkiye Atıf Dizini) database has been made available to our University. The Turkish Citation Index has gathered all the articles published by 541 current journals in the field of health sciences in Turkey since 2008 in a single center. The database offers full-text access to articles. For Access: https://kutuphane.altinbas.edu.tr/vetisbt/ To get username[…]

Now It’s Time to Read

Dear Library Users, To spend the summer period with reading, listening, research and learning, you can visit our remote access portal https://kutuphane.altinbas.edu.tr/vetisbt/ and access the Hiperkitap database. You can also access the resources with your user account created with your (@altinbas.edu.tr) e-mail addresses by downloading the Hiperkitap application on your mobile devices. For Information: kutuphane@altinbas.edu.tr

Wikilala Database Trial Access

Wikilala Database trial access, which provides access to newspapers, magazines and books belonging to the Ottoman and Early Republican period (1729-1950) in almost all categories, especially in social sciences, has been opened to the use of our University until 31.12.2022. You can access Ottoman and Early Republican period periodicals such as Ceride-i Havadis, Cumhuriyet, Tasvir-i[…]

Kelime.com Dictionaries Database Trial Access

The trial access to the Kelime.com Dictionaries Database, which provides the opportunity to search and analyze dozens of dictionaries such as Kamus-i Türki, Redhouse, Vankulu Dictionary, Compilation Dictionary, Staingass, has been opened to the use of our University until 31.12.2022. You can find the language, type, meaning and etymological origin information of the word you[…]

eOsmanlıca (Ottoman Turkish) Online Education Platform Trial Access

Trial access to the eOsmanlıca (Ottoman Turkish) Online Education Platform, which teaches Ottoman Turkish online with the easiest and most accurate techniques, has been opened to the use of our University until 31.12.2022. eOsmanlıca is an educational platform consisting of 79 lessons in total. With the gamified (true/false, matching, stylish and write what you see,[…]