MevBank Database Trial Access

Trial access to the MevBank legislation and case law database has been made available to our University until the end of the year. Developed by Lebib Yalkın, the MevBank legislation and case law database contains the most up-to-date case law and legislation and commented expert articles for legal research. MevBank presents all laws, decree-laws, statutes,[…]

dMags Journal Platform Trial Access

Trial access to the dMags journal platform is available to our University until 25 November 2022. dMags Magazine Platform offers more than 600 Turkish popular culture magazines in digital format in original print format. You can access many leading magazines in Turkey such as National Geographic, Atlas, Popular Science, Cosmopolitan, Forbes, Capital, Level, Chip via[…]

DataTurkey Database Trial Access

DataTurkey database trial access is available to our University until 26 November 2022. DataTurkey is a database that functionally brings together the economic, social, sectoral and regional data produced by many public institutions and private organizations in Turkey. For Access: For Information: