Statista Database Trial Access

Trial access to Statista database is available to our University until October 15, 2023. Statista database includes statistics, reports and facts on more than 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources across 170 industries and is among the largest statistical and market data platforms in the world. For Access: For Information:

Public Holiday Announcement

Dear Library Users, All our campus libraries will be closed  between 24.06.2023 and 02.07.2023  due to the official holiday. As of Monday 03.07.2023, all our campus libraries will be open. Our “7/24 reading rooms” are always open. For Information:

EBSCO Medicine and Health Databases Days

As Altınbaş University Library and Documentation Department, on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, we invite our colleagues to our “EBSCO Medicine and Health Databases Days” Event, which we will organize together with EBSCO. To get detailed information about the event and to register, simply visit the address below. Event Page: