Hiperkitap Database Trial Access

Our trial access to Hiperkitap Database has started. Hiperkitap; It is Turkey’s first Turkish online e-book library, developed by Hiperlink, where scientists, students and enthusiasts can access academic information quickly and easily. In Hiperkitap; There are more than 25,000 e-books from 400 publishing houses under many topics from history to literature, from mathematics to philosophy,[…]

Transition to Vetis Online E-Library Portal – https://kutuphane.altinbas.edu.tr/vetisbt/

The use of the elibrary.altinbas.edu.tr web page, which we use for remote access to the databases to which our university is subscribed, is terminated. The address https://kutuphane.altinbas.edu.tr/vetisbt/ has been opened for remote access. Our remote access to databases will be provided through this portal. You can also access the relevant link by clicking on the[…]

“Gale Reference Complete” Database Trial Access

Our trial access to the “Gale Reference Complete” database has started. “Gale Reference Complete” is a collection of collections brought together under 4 main headings. Gale Reference Complete, which is created from primary and secondary sources, is a unique collection where you can find articles, books, archival materials and news sources for many branches of[…]

The Royal Marsden Manual Database Trial Access

Trial access has begun to The Royal Marsden Manual, which has published more than 350 procedures in the field of Nursing for over 30 years. One of the world’s most popular books on clinical skills and procedures, this resource provides detailed procedure guides based on the latest research findings and expert clinical advice, enabling nurses[…]

Cochrane Library Database Trial Access

Trial access has begun to the “Cochrane Library” database, which contains different types of high-quality, independent evidence to improve and support healthcare decision-making, and is one of the strongest sources for independent evidence-based diagnosis and treatment decision making. Contents; 8,500+ systematic reviews, +1,700,000 trials, +2,400 protocols and Cochrane Clinical Answers (clinical question and answer) More[…]

ProQuest O’Reilly for Higher Education (Safari) Database Trial Access

Our trial access to ProQuest O’Reilly for Higher Education (Safari) database is now available. It features exclusive books, videos and learning experiences, including early release titles and case studies from leading organizations, and resources from more than 200 of the world’s most respected publishers, including McGraw-Hill, Taylor & Francis, Wiley, HarperCollins and others. In addition,[…]

ProQuest Health Research Premium Collection Database Trial Access

Our trial access to ProQuest Health Research Premium Collection database is now available. There are more than 6,000 full-text health and medical journals. In addition, you can access educational videos, newspapers, conference proceedings, gray literature and more publications from this content. With the Health Research Premium Collection, you can access a comprehensive content consisting of[…]